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what to wear in temples in southeast asia to be respectful blog post cover image
As a Tour Leader, the number one question I get from travelers is “Is it really true I can’t wear shorts or a tank top while visiting a temple in a hot and humid climate?” Yep! It’s very true. Not only must you cover yourRead More
thailand is opening up poster
I’d barely returned from my third Get Out There Tours Guided Trip – Serenity In Siam III – when the news hit about a strange new kind of SARS. Already in the end of January, a friend and I half-heartedly donned masks for a flightRead More
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elephant image with text how to let elephants be elephants
Type “best ethical elephant sanctuary in Thailand” into a search engine and it’s quite likely you will get a list of just the opposite. This is quite unfortunate because travelers are using the internet and social media more and more in their pre-trip research andRead More
blog cover for what it's like to swim with humpback whales
 Notes from my EPIC ADVENTURE with the Tonga Tribe Laura Stegeman“ONCE A YEAR GO SOMEPLACE YOU’VE NEVER BEEN BEFORE.”This quote, attributed to His Holiness The Dalai Lama, has long been one of my personal mantras, especially since I started traveling more in groups after startingRead More
staying charged up in the land of smiles poster
With more than twenty arrival stamps from Bangkok International Airport decorating three separate passports, my experience is extensive in the area of what gadgets are needed on a trip to Thailand –and which ones are a waste of precious weight allowances. Since every traveler bringsRead More
top 10 gear and gadgets for south east asia poster
What & Why Get Out There Tours Recommends These ItemsWhile most packing lists you find on Social Media for Thailand or Bali or anywhere in South East Asia are pretty much the same, we have a few — ten we will share here with moreRead More
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